Monday, November 06, 2006


Respect and Responsibility

Minutes from the meeting...

1. Address the situation.. don't attack the person...

no name calling... I expect you guys to resolve problems between you in a courteous, civil and mature manner....

I don't expect everyone to be friends... but I do expect that you will deal with things in an adult manner.

2. Floor Posters and Decorations

I work hard to put up relevant material on the floors. They DO serve a purpose. 2 in fact.

1. To make the floor more welcoming and less institutional.
2. To inform.

Please respect me and the time I take to put them up.

I expect that no one on the floor will be taking things down, moving them or writing on the any material mounted on the walls or doors.

3. Guests on the floor

I strongly encourage you to invite friends onto the floor... however

it is EVERYONE'S responsibility to make sure things do not get out of control.

if something seems amiss... it is your responsibility to help put a stop to it before it becomes a real problem.

the steps you should take are as follows, each one is available if the previous one doesn't work:

1. come and get me.
2. call me to check out the situation (my phone number is located on the back of your suite door)
3. Call the duty don cell phone
4. call one of the other dons in mkv (their numbers are also posted on the back of your suite door)
5. call campus police

By not doing anything you are contributing to the problem

Thank you so much to everyone who attended the meeting! and if you ever have questions about this stuff... just come and ask :)

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